The perfect feeling

So many words and yet sometimes I have nothing in my head to translate my heart.

Well, it is perfect to remember Shamlou on a cold rainy night. To be very honest, all day was just gray and rainy…

Shamlou has the most amazing translation of this, English would just not do it right…

At least now I have some words to say what I. I might change my mind later but for now Paul Eluard is the winner of heart-talking-words coming out of my mouth…


If I speak it’s to hear you more clearly
If I hear you I’m sure to understand you
If you smile it’s the better to enter me
If you smile I will see the world entire
If I embrace you it’s to widen myself
If we live everything will turn to joy
If I leave you we’ll remember each other
In leaving you we’ll find each other again.

Paul Eluard

… it does feel good …

All of it feels very very nice and as I said I have no single word more that this.

گاهی که فارسی احساس می کنم و می خوام به داچ یا انگلیسی بگمشون, خیلی مسخره و بی معنی به نظر می رسه! شاید همینه که وقتی کسی براش زبان و شعر مهم هست باعث فوران همه ی واژگان می شه و من بی سخن ترین می شم…

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