Author Archive for ytokasi

The perfect feeling

So many words and yet sometimes I have nothing in my head to translate my heart. Well, it is perfect to remember Shamlou on a cold rainy night. To be very honest, all day was just gray and rainy… Shamlou has the most amazing translation of this, English would just not do it right… At least now I have some words…

Visit Apprentus: a website for tutors

On this website you will find verified tutors for your goal.  This is my page. Feel free to book me via them or contact me directly if you want more information. Via the website I had few students an so far loving it.   Contact me for less stress during exams! You know why? Cause when you get ready…

Bijles geven is een passie!

Ik ben altijd een docent geweest! Ik doe dat met liefde en ik vind het super leuk te zien hoe mijn studenten gelukkig van worden! Ik geloof dat je moet altijd optijd beginnen met leren en bij wiskunde en natuurkunde dat kan je niet doen alleen maar aan de hand van je examen voorbereiding!   Niet zomaar gaan piekeren om…

YAS presents!

We all need to make smart choices in a job interview or in a public presentation. We all tend to do so at least. But sometimes we need a coach. YASPresents tends to teach you an interacting method of feeling your natural confidence while doing these rather uncomfortable tasks. Dealing with unexpected situations and mastering verbal and nonverbal expression are…


This project was one part of minor Advanced Prototyping and what i learnt during this minor led me to a whole different world 🙂 We got some information about the chairs, we read and tried prototypes and different type of materials in order to get a final design. As always I will just add some photos to give you the view of…

Ohrid & Trpejca – Republic of Macedonia

Ohrid was my next stop after Skopje! you really should go pay a visit there! In 1979 and in 1980, Ohrid and Lake Ohrid were accepted as Cultural and Natural World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. The night before going to Ohrid I had to stay all night up at the station in Skopje. So we, with four as travelers and…

Skopje- Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)

Two years ago I was traveling from Amsterdam to Tehran via Istanbul and at the airport I had 10 hours transit! I must say I never care about long transits and not sleeping if I have good company, and so I found that. A brother and sister living in Washington and originally from Macedonia, traveling and one of her good…

A watchlist for good-quality movie nights!

A friend asked us to watch a movie and he went for something that I would rather not mention, but then my watch-list was also not that brilliant anyways… but I have lots of favorite ones which I don’t mind watching over and over again! Although we never got to watch any of them, but he asked me for my watch-list…